Archive for February, 2009


Episode 24 – Robotom

With Tom away the Martins & Andys will play. OK that doesn’t really work. It’s business as usual at T.G.R Towers. Though short handed the fellows battle on and test the new MkIX Robot Tom, ask what questions the films of Steven Seagal answer and wait patiently for somebody to call them on Skype. If you want to do just that during the next recording then go to and follow the instructional nudey pictures. Or just look at the front page.



Episode 23 – The Joy of Beer

In this episode the fellows contemplate the delights of beer, lick LSD off Brian Blessed and ask: if you only ate sweet corn for a month, would you produce a yellow lumpy stool? And has Simon Callow taken a job on the X Factor? For answers to these questions and more, come inside to a world of fuzzy wonders.

