Archive for March, 2011


After the Ball Was Over

During our nine hour Comic Relief podcast we had a camcorder mounted on a tripod acting as one of our webcams. To keep the camera switched on we had to keep it recording. This video is of what happened after the broadcast ended. Sorry about the low picture quality.


Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 8

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at   Subscribe: RSS

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 7

The team discuss their most and least favourite public lavatories. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at   Subscribe: RSS

The team discuss their most and least favourite public lavatories. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 6

It’s quiz time! Which means that Martin sits out most of this podcast while he rests his addled, food and sleep starved brain, while smoking cigarettes. Listen out for more karaoke. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at   Subscribe: RSS

It’s quiz time! Which means that Martin sits out most of this podcast while he rests his addled, food and sleep starved brain, while smoking cigarettes. Listen out for more karaoke. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 5

Welcome to the hour of hell where Martin loses it completely, Andy makes coffee and Tom fills in before the cavalry arrives in the shape of Lisa and Dill. Hurray!



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 4

Weeeeee oooooooo! It’s the Doctor Who hour! In which three flagging and broken men pit themselves again the superior Doctor Who knowledge of Michael Legge, Paul Litchfield and the Gentry. If you listen carefully you can hear Martin’s mind snapping.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 3

In this episode a certain George Pim (Paul Litchfield), gives the chaps a call about the olden days of Comic Relief.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 2

The second part of the sexy nine hour podcast.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 1

The broadcast version of this podcast started really well. However the recorded version suffers from stunted growth because Martin forgot to start the recorder until 36 minutes in. However fear not, for this is a drop in the ocean when compared to the eight and a half hours to come.



Episode 71 – Drowned in Butter

People never read podcast descriptions, so I can write whatever I like.
Here are the first two paragraphs of Pride and Prejudice:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession
of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his
first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds
of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property
of some one or other of their daughters.

Chris Moyles plays with himself to that.

