Specials Archive


Episode 111b – Megapoddy Part 2

In this second half  we talk to Chief Chirpa, leader of the Ewok army and old man George Pim and his carer. Also, Martin discovered he’d put the wrong text number on the website, the laptop explodes, covering Martin in computer juice. and we enjoy a 15 minute Doctor Who interlude.  You can keep donating at:  http://www.justgiving.com/megapoddy Subscribe: RSS

In this second half  we talk to Chief Chirpa, leader of the Ewok army and old man George Pim and his carer. Also, Martin discovered he’d put the wrong text number on the website, the laptop explodes, covering Martin in computer juice. and we enjoy a 15 minute Doctor Who interlude.  You can keep donating at:  http://www.justgiving.com/megapoddy


Episode 111a – Megapoddy Part 1

It’s Red Nose day and Martin, Tom and Andy set forth to do a leisurely five hour podcast while drinking beer. In this first half: Dab and Tench begin an exciting journey to Africa, Martin, Tom and Andy start drinking and there are some sketches and shit and that. Subscribe: RSS

It’s Red Nose day and Martin, Tom and Andy set forth to do a leisurely five hour podcast while drinking beer. In this first half: Dab and Tench begin an exciting journey to Africa, Martin, Tom and Andy start drinking and there are some sketches and shit and that.


Episode 108 – 2012 Christmas Special

It’s The Gentleman’s Review’s fifth Christmas and what have they learned. Well, not much really, although Andy did discover that the best way to break Martin’s concentration during a song is to simply wave bits of paper at him. This may become useful in any future fights to the death. Besides that, it is a relatively sedate affair with coffee and pies being taken orally every ten minutes. Listen out for Martin’s heart breaking, it sounds like a screaming jellyfish. Here are the words to the song, if you fancy singing along: On the first day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: A third class ticket to Barnsley.   […]

It’s The Gentleman’s Review’s fifth Christmas and what have they learned. Well, not much really, although Andy did discover that the best way to break Martin’s concentration during a song is to simply wave bits of paper at him. This may become useful in any future fights to the death. Besides that, it is a relatively sedate affair with coffee and pies being taken orally every ten minutes. Listen out for Martin’s heart breaking, it sounds like a screaming jellyfish.

Here are the words to the song, if you fancy singing along:

On the first day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

A third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the second day of Christmas ,

My true love gave to me:

Two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the third day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Three laughing perverts, two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the fourth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the fifth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the sixth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans,  four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the seventh day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans,  four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.

On the eighth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Eight melted children, seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the ninth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Nine noisy parsnips, eight melted children, seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the tenth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Ten tits a-bouncing,  nine noisy parsnips, eight melted children, seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the eleventh day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Eleven racist penguins,  ten tits a-bouncing,  nine noisy parsnips, eight melted children, seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


On the Twelfth day of Christmas,

My true love gave to me:

Twelve Peter Sissons, eleven racist penguins,  ten tits a-bouncing,  nine noisy parsnips, eight melted children, seven bums a-poopin’, six whelks a-singing,  five burst swans, four bloated winkles, three laughing perverts , two midget poofs and a third class ticket to Barnsley.


The Gentleman’s Review’s Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow

In this episode, the chaps take to the stage to perform their first ever Edinburgh Fringe show. It was recorded on the 8th August at the Banshee Labyrinth and it was ably teched by the brilliant Misha Anker. Please forgive the sound quality as it was recorded with single microphone next to the stage. During the show: Tom has a nervous breakdown, Andy reveals his love of boobies and Dab and Tench perform extracts from their most recent projects. It’s like sex but less sticky. Many thanks tp Peter Buckley-Hill and all the kind people on the Free Fringe who […]

In this episode, the chaps take to the stage to perform their first ever Edinburgh Fringe show. It was recorded on the 8th August at the Banshee Labyrinth and it was ably teched by the brilliant Misha Anker. Please forgive the sound quality as it was recorded with single microphone next to the stage.

During the show: Tom has a nervous breakdown, Andy reveals his love of boobies and Dab and Tench perform extracts from their most recent projects. It’s like sex but less sticky.

Many thanks tp Peter Buckley-Hill and all the kind people on the Free Fringe who made this possible.




Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 8

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview   Subscribe: RSS

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 7

The team discuss their most and least favourite public lavatories. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview   Subscribe: RSS

The team discuss their most and least favourite public lavatories. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 6

It’s quiz time! Which means that Martin sits out most of this podcast while he rests his addled, food and sleep starved brain, while smoking cigarettes. Listen out for more karaoke. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview   Subscribe: RSS

It’s quiz time! Which means that Martin sits out most of this podcast while he rests his addled, food and sleep starved brain, while smoking cigarettes. Listen out for more karaoke. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 5

Welcome to the hour of hell where Martin loses it completely, Andy makes coffee and Tom fills in before the cavalry arrives in the shape of Lisa and Dill. Hurray!



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 4

Weeeeee oooooooo! It’s the Doctor Who hour! In which three flagging and broken men pit themselves again the superior Doctor Who knowledge of Michael Legge, Paul Litchfield and the Gentry. If you listen carefully you can hear Martin’s mind snapping.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 3

In this episode a certain George Pim (Paul Litchfield), gives the chaps a call about the olden days of Comic Relief.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 2

The second part of the sexy nine hour podcast.



Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 1

The broadcast version of this podcast started really well. However the recorded version suffers from stunted growth because Martin forgot to start the recorder until 36 minutes in. However fear not, for this is a drop in the ocean when compared to the eight and a half hours to come.



Episode 60 – 2010 Edinburgh Fringe with Michael Legge

The chaps are joined by comedian Michael Legge in Edinburgh to discuss punk perry, self harming actors and talking lead. Martin also proves why he shouldn’t drink four pints before a podcast and twelve pints the night before. Warning: Contains far more funny material than usual, due to Michael.



Episode 35 – Edinburgh Fringe 2009

This episode comes from a beer garden in Edinburgh where Martin, Tom & Andy review some of the shows they’ve seen and drink Mark Watson dry of his pear juice. You may be able to detect some drunkenness in this podcast. However this has been caused by technical problems with the recording equipment and not the five pints drunk by each of the chaps before the recording.


Episode 26 -The Talons of Time

In this first anniversary special. The team are whisked back in time by a stolen time machine where they deal with a whole host of London stereotypes before fighting for their lives against the evil Thaddeus Blunt. Grip the arms of your sofa and have a stiff drink: it’s the Talons of Time. The team would like to thank all the listeners who have supported the podcast for the last year and look forward to many more years of keeping you entertained. Happy Birthday!   Subscribe: RSS

In this first anniversary special. The team are whisked back in time by a stolen time machine where they deal with a whole host of London stereotypes before fighting for their lives against the evil Thaddeus Blunt. Grip the arms of your sofa and have a stiff drink: it’s the Talons of Time. The team would like to thank all the listeners who have supported the podcast for the last year and look forward to many more years of keeping you entertained. Happy Birthday!

