Episode 72 – Comic Relief Special – Part 8

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview   Subscribe: RSS

It’s the final hour! More importantly, it is BOOZE TIME! Crack open a bottle and join the gang as the drink their way to the finale. If you hear knocking during the last number, that was Martin’s mum and step-dad waiting outside with tea and booze. Don’t forget you can still donate until the 17th April 2011 at http://www.justgiving.com/thegentlemansreview

